What is a Symbala? The Symbala World of Lahrinda Eileen Lahrinda's Personal Symbala

Introducing New Symbala for January, 2023

January 5th, 2023

Quantum Leap

The phrase “quantum leap” is used to suggest a large change, but it implies so much more. Scientists will describe ‘quantum’ as a very small, discrete natural unit, not taking into account the spiritual implications. Similarly, many people have heard about the Golden Proportion and know it’s part of the field of Sacred Geometry, but totally miss how it explains the meaning of INFINITY!

If quantum is a discrete natural unit, then, to me, it defines the essence of anything and everything. So, taking a big LEAP, this leads me to the arena of Divine energy. When I hear the term ‘quantum healing’ or ‘quantum leap’, it feels like an awareness of change being accomplished on the spiritual level.

Many call me a ‘cock-eyed optimist’, but no matter, because I’m welcoming the New Year with visions of ‘Quantum Leaps’ for us as individuals on this Earth and spiritual beings of the Divine Cosmos! My best wishes for health, happiness and freedom to you all!

With Quantum Resonance, Lahrinda

See more text and a larger image of the Symbala, ‘Quantum Leap’.

Introducing New Symbala for December, 2022

December 12th, 2022


As we raise our vibrations, more and more of the unseen dimensional worlds begin to reveal themselves. Subtle, yes, and even startling at times. Like the time I looked down at my lap to find a cat resting peacefully there. I didn’t recognize this cat from my past, but was pleased to see it there, briefly! We probably all could site examples of strange appearances of known and unknown beings, suddenly seen, heard or felt.

Most of you, since you appreciate the energies of the Symbala work, may have regular acquaintance with these non-physical experiences. Have you noticed them speeding up? This Symbala is a tribute to the dance between energy and matter (which are actually the same thing) as it ascends and descends or Converges, called manifestation.

With Loving Resonance, Lahrinda
See more text and a larger image of the Symbala, ‘Convergence’.

Introducing New Symbala for November, 2022

November 11th, 2022

Be Amazed

This newest Symbala is totally dedicated to the dawning of the Golden Age. We are so blessed to be living in this time, on this planet. Amid all the confusion and turmoil, remember that we and Mother Earth are receiving higher and higher frequencies to allow our true divinity. Such evolution is not embraced by all and the resulting resistance causes much chaos, inner and outer. Try not to be too distracted by the movie. Turn off the disinformation and rely on our core connection to truth and Source.

My experience of the process is one of expanding, child-like discovery. Yes, there is pain, but there is also the powerful purpose of birth.

With Loving Amazement, Lahrinda
See more text and a larger image of the Symbala, ‘Be Amazed’.

Introducing New Symbala for October, 2022

October 9th, 2022


I LOVE the dynamics of this word. Within its structure of Be and Coming, it defines the very essence of life, the multi-verse and Source itself. From the smallest particle to the largest galaxies, all is in the eternal momentum of the Divine expansion, transformation and BECOMING! Think about this word if you’re searching for the meaning of Eternity.

If I’m feeling low, stuck or just plain depressed, I find it helpful to remember that everything is vibrating and changing and that is the comfort of being in the Divine Flow.

This Symbala spoke to me of the serenity that can be found in the symmetrical wholeness of evolving. (It takes more energy to resist than to embrace.) Here the six-structure of the star tetrahedron resonates as a heart movement, always…

In Evolving Resonance, Lahrinda

See more text and a larger image of the Symbala, ‘BECOMING’.

Welcome to the World of Symbalas!
Symbalas provide poetry and music for the eyes and a feast for the soul. Each Symbala is a focal point which can uplift and bring balance. The senses are immersed and energy is renewed. The experience can bring insight, transformation and a more conscious, centered and creative life.

Your journey now begins with a brief introduction –
What is a Symbala?

NEW FEATURE Introducing the Solfeggio Tones Meditation Gallery.

Solfeggio Tones, a key to the Universe: you can use the tones and the 9 Symbalas I drew for them to find harmony, health and well-being.

NEW FEATURE Symbala Prints Sale Page
These 24 archival quality prints are 8.5 x 11" with a backing in a clear, poly sleeve. Low price makes them great for uplifting gifts or additions to your own attunement tool kit. Check back frequently to see changes and additions to this page.

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A digital publishing site where I offer a large variety of Symbala products: from greeting cards to keychains!

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New to Symbala World: You can now find me on Facebook, which I finally joined. Also there is a way to speak to me for free on Skype, if you’re so inclined. If you don’t have Skype yet, here’s a link to sign up and join those of us who love the free calling and seeing (if you have a camera) friends and dear ones far away. I can now see my son and granddaughter regularly, even though they live thousands of miles away.

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