Introducing New Symbala for September, 2023
If there was ever a time for being a pebble in the pond (rippling out inner work from the heart), it is now. Light-workers are needed to stand up and be who we are; free and sovereign individuals supporting our country, our world, with our presence. But how to stabilize and focus these efforts.
“…The state of appreciation is seeing whatever you are looking at through the eyes of Source.” Excerpted from ‘Money and the Law of Attraction’. Our Love, Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
These words from Abraham give clarity and indicate a tool for staying focused and centered in the heart. The Sacred Geometry of the eye is the perfect window of soul. This is my inspiration each time I draw a Symbala and each time I interact with the world around me. I believe the key to being a heartful, peaceful citizen of Terra/Universe is beholding all through ‘The Eyes of Appreciation’.
With Loving Appreciation, Lahrinda
See more text and a larger image of the Symbala,
‘Eyes of Appreciation’.