What is a Symbala? The Symbala World of Lahrinda Eileen Lahrinda's Personal Symbala

Featured Symbala of the Month, October 2009

October 3rd, 2009

Arlene Arnold 


See more information about the Personal Symbala Renewal of Arlene Arnold:
Featured Symbala of the Month, October 2009

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October 2nd, 2009

We have so many reasons to be happy! I believe in HAPPINESS and rather than listening to news and other fear-based conduits I focus my attention on manifesting more personal joy which always spreads. Did you know that it has now been proven scientifically that HAPPINESS IS CONTAGIOUS? One of the ways I have to spread this joy is by creating Symbalas!

Now more than ever is the time to remember that we are the center of our manifested world and we fill it with the focus of our attention, our beliefs and our imagination. And it is all right NOW, not in the future or the past. Take a break from the news. Put your attention on a Symbala and relax, shift and reconnect with All That Is.

For a better understanding of what’s going on with Symbalas, take a look at the Symbala Manual. Allan Harris did a splendid job of researching, interviewing, organizing and writing this manual. I contributed, but he did the lion’s share. The manual is intended as a reference: where did Symbalas come from and some inspiration and suggestions for their use. This manual can be printed out for your use and/or sent to a friend. It’s very versatile!

This time period is showing many of us quite clearly that the old ways/paradigms aren’t working any more – at least, not in a satisfying, joyful manner. Many of us feel as if we’re straddling at least two worlds and the feeling is distinctly unsettling. Seeing through different lenses is critical. Our vocabulary sets the stage for building new paradigms. To release concepts that don’t fit our intentions, let go of words that don’t resonate.  I have gone through the whole website making such changes to reflect my own ‘attituning’. When necessary, create new words to carry your intentions. It’s great fun!  Also, one of the main purposes of a Symbala is to be a focal point lens for intention. Supported by the universal structure of the Golden Proportion, contemplation of a Symbala allows you to attune to new harmonies.

With Loving Resonance,

Lahrinda Eileen

New Gallery of Symbalas

October 1st, 2009

My website has been growing and now when you go to the Symbala Galleries, you will find 4 separate Galleries, instead of 3!

The newest Gallery is for the 53 Symbalas of the Life Path Collection. I spent months working on this large body of work and am pleased to add it to the growing number of Symbalas offered.

Inspired by the ancient mystery system now called the Destiny Cards by Robert Lee Camp, these symbols are hidden in plain sight, disguised as our everyday deck of playing cards! They contain great wisdom for self-awareness. Each card/Life Path Symbala is linked to one or more days of the year, thus your birthday! Take a journey through the Gallery and find your own Life Path Symbala.

With Loving Resonance,

Lahrinda Eileen

Welcome to the World of Symbalas!
Symbalas provide poetry and music for the eyes and a feast for the soul. Each Symbala is a focal point which can uplift and bring balance. The senses are immersed and energy is renewed. The experience can bring insight, transformation and a more conscious, centered and creative life.

Your journey now begins with a brief introduction –
What is a Symbala?

NEW FEATURE Introducing the Solfeggio Tones Meditation Gallery.

Solfeggio Tones, a key to the Universe: you can use the tones and the 9 Symbalas I drew for them to find harmony, health and well-being.

NEW FEATURE Symbala Prints Sale Page
These 24 archival quality prints are 8.5 x 11" with a backing in a clear, poly sleeve. Low price makes them great for uplifting gifts or additions to your own attunement tool kit. Check back frequently to see changes and additions to this page.

HOW DO YOU GET THERE? These 2 features are presented for the exclusive use of the people who receive my monthly newsletter; so the links will be sent to you when you sign-up for the Mailing List.

What is Zazzle?
A digital publishing site where I offer a large variety of Symbala products: from greeting cards to keychains!

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New to Symbala World: You can now find me on Facebook, which I finally joined. Also there is a way to speak to me for free on Skype, if you’re so inclined. If you don’t have Skype yet, here’s a link to sign up and join those of us who love the free calling and seeing (if you have a camera) friends and dear ones far away. I can now see my son and granddaughter regularly, even though they live thousands of miles away.

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