"Lately, my family, many of my friends and I have felt sadness, change and endings. It has been a true test of embracing and using the tools and core beliefs that sustain and give us strength. Reflecting the transformation of endings, a Symbala energy came to me using the structure and vibration of 9's, not one I work with very often. "When finished just before Thanksgiving 2013, I shared it with my friend Gemma Deneen, curious if she felt what I was feeling about it. Not only did she feel it, but she expressed it perfectly which gave it a name. Thanks Gemma, my dear friend! It's more than a name; it's a state of being; a tool for wellness and strength, a spiritual gift for dealing with unresolved pain. The Symbalas are such a joy and blessing to me! May you find it so, too." With Loving Resonance, Lahrinda |