The Symbala Garden – providing poetry and music for the eyes and a feast for the soul.
Each as delicate as a flower, yet having the strength to change lives.
Planted with care, watered with love, bursting forth with the energy of life – enjoy your stroll.

Introducing New Symbala for April, 2023

Strength of Love

When you attempt to erase the concept of a sovereign individual with a technocratic, statistical model, you open the door to a corruption that has poisoned almost everything in our world.

What can we do to reclaim the power of our individuality, when certain dark elements in our world are trying very hard to divide and dehumanize us?

Focus on this. We are something beautiful, unpredictable, ever-evolving, miraculous and divine. A heart-centered life is full of joy, singing, hugging, intuition and deep knowing because that is the ‘Strength of Love’.

Love may look soft and pink, but it is always the greatest tool in our arsenal of health and spiritual growth!

With Loving Resonance of Light, Lahrinda

See more text and a larger image of the Symbala, ‘Strength of Love’.

Introducing New Symbala for March 2023

Sunshine Within

I have a vision of Spring. There is a seed buried in the heart of Terra. Contained within is the sun’s promise of immortality and the inevitability of a long-held breath! When released, it has the power to break free of all bonds, shoot upward and proclaim the renewal of life itself. These seeds paint Terra with rainbows of color and, especially, the frequencies of nurturing GREEN!

This is us, my friends; we are the sunshine of the Earth, We have the power of the Divine to create our individual worlds, like the seed.

As I drew this Symbala, I embraced the magic energy of the NINE. The Nines are a mathematical wonder that embody the joy of new beginnings and the necessity of endings, reminding that death is an illusion, a tuning to a different frequency.

Don’t focus on the chaos of the world; be the seed which hungers for Spring and knows it will come because of the ‘Sunshine Within’!

With the Shining Resonance of Light, Lahrinda

See more text and a larger image of the Symbala, ‘SunshineWithin’.

Introducing New Symbala for February, 2023

Filled With Light

“Now voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and to find.”

I’ve been thinking about this Symbala and what I wanted to say about it. A couple of days ago I was watching one of my favorite ‘old’ Bette Davis movies, ‘Now Voyager’. Inspiration and synchronicity struck as the psychiatrist reminded his patient (Bette) of a Walt Whitman poem he had given her.

This quote is exactly what I wanted to share about the feeling of this Symbala. We are in a Seven – year, amplifying the energy of the ‘seeker’. The outer stars are reaching and searching, extending the momentum of the central 7 – star. There may be twists in the road, but there are also rainbows.

Some of us are moving forward with purpose, but many are simply moving toward a better world in this time of great change. Being ‘Filled With Light’ is a way to find whatever we are seeking for ourselves and the greater good.

With the Resonance of Light, Lahrinda
See more text and a larger image of the Symbala, ‘Filled With Light’.

Introducing New Symbala for January, 2023

Quantum Leap

The phrase “quantum leap” is used to suggest a large change, but it implies so much more. Scientists will describe ‘quantum’ as a very small, discrete natural unit, not taking into account the spiritual implications. Similarly, many people have heard about the Golden Proportion and know it’s part of the field of Sacred Geometry, but totally miss how it explains the meaning of INFINITY!

If quantum is a discrete natural unit, then, to me, it defines the essence of anything and everything. So, taking a big LEAP, this leads me to the arena of Divine energy. When I hear the term ‘quantum healing’ or ‘quantum leap’, it feels like an awareness of change being accomplished on the spiritual level.

Many call me a ‘cock-eyed optimist’, but no matter, because I’m welcoming the New Year with visions of ‘Quantum Leaps’ for us as individuals on this Earth and spiritual beings of the Divine Cosmos! My best wishes for health, happiness and freedom to you all!

With Quantum Resonance, Lahrinda

See more text and a larger image of the Symbala, ‘Quantum Leap’.

Welcome to the World of Symbalas!
Symbalas provide poetry and music for the eyes and a feast for the soul. Each Symbala is a focal point which can uplift and bring balance. The senses are immersed and energy is renewed. The experience can bring insight, transformation and a more conscious, centered and creative life.
Your journey now begins with a brief introduction –
What is a Symbala?

Introducing the Solfeggio Tones Meditation Gallery.
Solfeggio Tones, a key to the Universe: you can use the tones and the 9 Symbalas I drew for them to find harmony, health and well-being.
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