What is a Symbala? The Symbala World of Lahrinda Eileen Lahrinda's Personal Symbala


February 18th, 2018


This is the sequence I recently experienced and would like to share with you:  first I drew this Symbala, then after living with it for a day or two, I named it; ever since I have been contemplating its implications both universally and personally.

You may notice it has a 9-base geometry.  Nines have a symbolic reputation relating to ending or completion, but mathematically and geometrically nines represent mystical qualities.  Then the name that came through.  ‘Culmination’ has similar meanings of being the highest or zenith.  So where does one go from there?

I began with how does it make me feel?  It makes me feel happy, energized, hopeful!  It did not take me to the top of a mountain where the only place to go from there is down; unless, of course, you are a bird.  Then I saw it right in the Symbala, the tops of the 9 peaks had pink wings of ascension on either side.  Being the artist, I also knew that the center of this Symbala is made up of layers of overlapping hearts.  It’s hard to see, but surely can be felt.  Also, when one is talking about the highest or lowest of anything, it’s good to remember that these are relative terms and depend upon whether one is standing in a polarized world or a multi-dimensional universe.  Finally, when something is completed or ends, is it not time to celebrate new beginnings?

Visit my Zazzle Store where you will find ‘Culmination’ empowering many products like a greeting card, poster, magnet and a medallion you can wear.

With Warm, Loving Resonance,  Lahrinda

Featured Symbala of the Month, February 2018

February 1st, 2018

Tina Worthey

“My Personal Symbala has already become a teacher for me. The first thing I’ve learned is to communicate with it using my subconscious mind, not my analytical mind. So, from a meditative, receptive state I will describe my first interaction with my Symbala.

“The nucleus, or core of my being radiates pure Love. I also perceived that I have put a wall around this core to ‘protect myself”. I shall have to work on these self-imposed limiting beliefs.

“I have a lot of energy going out in many directions. I’m like a whirling dervish sometimes – more energy than I know what to do with. This is weird because I often feel fatigued. Some of it gets reflected back into me and manifests as discomfort in my body or agitation in my mind. When I come from my focused center (heart), I am being shown that I have a much more positive energy exchange upon my circle of influence than I allow myself to believe.

“I have a lot of energy coming in as well. This Energy is more subtle. I ‘see’ a strong connection to at least 10 angels and/or spiritual guides as well as at least 10 other Light Beings in my ‘Divine Team’.

“As I kept softly gazing at my Symbala, the center became a ball of energy. Then it sent a beam of this energy directly into my third eye! I felt this chakra opening wider and wider. My Symbala reminds me to continually open my heart and my soul to connect with Source and Trust that All is exactly as it should be in this moment.

“I wonder what my Symbala will teach/show me next…

“Lahrinda’s Symbalas grab your attention right away with their vibrant colors and intricate patterns, but they are so much more than just a pretty picture. Your Personal Symbala communicates on such a deep level. It can vibrate and raise the frequencies it encounters. If everyone on this planet could obtain their own Personal Symbala, we would all begin to resonate in balance and harmony with All That Is…..and re-create Earth as the Eden it was meant to be.”

Tina Worthey

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner
“With an open heart and an open mind, anything is possible!”

See a larger image of Tina’s Personal Symbala:
Featured Symbala of the Month, February 2018.

See all past Symbalas of the Month:
Symbala of the Month Archive.

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Symbalas provide poetry and music for the eyes and a feast for the soul. Each Symbala is a focal point which can uplift and bring balance. The senses are immersed and energy is renewed. The experience can bring insight, transformation and a more conscious, centered and creative life.

Your journey now begins with a brief introduction –
What is a Symbala?

NEW FEATURE Introducing the Solfeggio Tones Meditation Gallery.

Solfeggio Tones, a key to the Universe: you can use the tones and the 9 Symbalas I drew for them to find harmony, health and well-being.

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